Poisonous Plants

How commonly are plants poisonous?

Most people will have something in their garden that is poisonous. The level of toxicity varies between plants and between parts of a plant as well.

If you have an exposure, you should call the Poisons Information Centre on 131 126 and the emergency services.

Evolution of Plants

We have an expectation that natural means good. But it isn’t as simple as that. Over an extended period of time humans have selected food plants based on their suitability. But plants have evolved over time with different mechanisms that ensure their continuation. It could be that they have adapted spines to reduce their chances of being eaten. They may have berries that are delicious that rely on dispersion through a gastroenteric tract. Or they may have toxicity that stops animals eating them.

Some Common Poisonous Plants You might See Around Australia (Not an exhaustive List)

  • Oleander - Nerium

  • Deadly Nightshade - Atropa

  • Belladonna Lily - Amaryllis

  • Euphorbias

  • Lantana


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