Street Trees
Benefits and uses of trees in residential projects and streetscapes
What are the benefits of trees?
Small Trees
There isn’t a huge selection of small trees but they are in high demand with an ever shrinking yard size in the cities.
Some common small trees in Victoria
Lagerstroemia indica
Cercis candensis
Cercis ‘Avondale’
Acer palmatum
Acca sellowiana
Agonis flexuosa
Dodonaea viscosa purpurea
Callistemon viminalis
Morus alba
Banksia integrifolia
Banksia marginata
Betula papyrifera
Prunus - various
Olea europaea
Acer dissectum
Dracaena draco
Pinus ‘Fastigiagta’
Picea pungens ‘Fat Albert’
Malus - various
Citrus - various
Eucalyptus pauciflora
Eucalyptus caesia
Corymbia - Grafted and new cultivars
Eucalyptus ‘Euky Dwarf Gum’
Large Trees
Large trees create an ambience that nothing else is capable of. They can fill an entirety of a front yard like a protective cloak. But they can also destroy foundations and invade water pipes.
Large trees completely change the feeling of a neighbourhood. They are planted out with great intentions, but rarely enjoyed by the planters by the time they reach maturity.
Street and property value
Lowering of heating bills
Change the mood of a space
Can effect foundations and paving
Find there way into water pipes
Some can be allergenic
Danger with large limbs over buildings
Fruit on ground
Street Trees
Street trees can really change the feel and function of a street and also the health of its inhabitants.
Increased foot traffic
Reduce visual pollution
Storm-water management
Habitat and corridors
Cleaning the air
Reduced heat island effect
Street Tree Guideline - Landcom NSW Govenerment
Street Tree Planting and Management Guidelines - Warnambool City Council
Streetscape Framework - Melbourne City Council
Streetscape Masterplan - Moreland City Council
Benefits of Urban Street Trees - Dan Burden
Session Outline
Street trees
Small trees
Large trees
Street tree guidelines
Street Tree Guideline - Landcom NSW Govenerment
Street Tree Planting and Management Guidelines - Warnambool City Council
Streetscape Framework - Melbourne City Council
Streetscape Masterplan - Moreland City Council